How to Make a TNT Mining Machine in Minecraft

The Number Python
3 min readJun 1, 2020


Are you tired of having to mine? Maybe because it takes so long? Try my invention: The TNT Mining Machine. I’ll show you how to make it in 9 easy steps.

1.First put three blocks of your choice on the ground.


2. Then place a piston middle. This will be a part of our trigger.

3.After that place a TNT in front of the piston.

4. In front of the TNT dig down 10 blocks.

5.Once you’re finished digging 10 blocks down, fill your hole right to the top with TNT.

Now were going to build a switch to blow up the TNT.

6. Put some Redstone on the ground. One side of the Redstone needs to be touching the piston. The other side of the Redstone will be a lever that you will trigger. You can put the lever wherever you like. But make sure you don’t get too close otherwise you will get blown up and die, but don’t get too far away otherwise the Redstone won’t work.

7. After that place a lever at the end of the Redstone trail.

8.Finally place a Redstone torch on top of the buried TNT.

Once you are finished it should look like this:

Pull the lever.


This is what will happen!



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